Back to School Guide for Teens with ADHD, Part One: Supplies


As the summer days start to wind down, teens with ADHD and their parents often face the new school year with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Though each new school year is an opportunity for a fresh start, there’s also the trepidation that accompanies the unknown, and the reminders of past challenges. 

The journey may include some hurdles, but with the right strategies, support, and a touch of optimism, this school year can be a fantastic opportunity for growth, learning, and success.

In this back-to-school guide, we'll explore insights and practical tips to help parents and teens navigate this upcoming academic adventure and ensure a smooth transition by starting the year with a strong foundation. 

School Supplies for ADHD Teens:

Must Haves:

A planning and calendar system. There is not one type of planner or calendar that works for everyone. Whether to go all digital, all paper, or a mixture of both will depend upon the student’s processing style (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc.) and their ease with technology. I have a slight preference for a paper planner paired with a digital calendar. Paper planners are helpful because the process of writing things down improves the encoding process of what gets stored in our long-term memory. I also like digital calendars (Google, iCal, Outlook, etc.) because it allows for notifications and color coding.

You can buy a planner or make your own in a notebook. I like to make my own, so that I can tweak it with what works best for my brain. It also allows me to change it up occasionally so I don’t get bored with it. Making your own planner is fairly easy, but more time consuming. If your teen is creative and likes to draw or is particular about what they want, having them make their own, may be a great solution. 

wikiHow - How to make your own school planner

You can also buy a planner. I recommend these two below for students.

Order Out Of Chaos 2023-2024 Academic Planner


Expandable file folder with colored tabs

Color coding classes and then having an easy place to put papers and notes for each class is going to make a huge difference in the student’s organization. It will be important to go through this file weekly so that papers don’t build up and overwhelm.

C-Line 7-Pocket Vertical Backpack File

This expandable folder fits easily right into any backpack, making taking it out and putting it back in much easier.

Avery Big Tab Write & Erase Durable Plastic Dividers for 3 Ring Binders

Color-coated dividers will help keep any binder more organized with visual queuing.

A finished projects/graded papers file box at home

At the end of each week, the student should clean out their folders and backpacks and file away older, finished or graded papers.

Spiral Notebooks, Assorted Colors

Having a different color for each class will help with organization.

Colored index cards with ring

Again, using color for categories is key to helping the ADHD brain make distinctions. The ring helps keep the cards all in one place and organized and makes it easier to use the cards for studying.

Sticky Notes

Sticky notes of various colors are a must have in any student’s tool kit. Different colors can represent different categories or subjects, making it easier for students to categorize and organize their tasks, assignments, and study material. They are great visual cues as memory aids and can be used to break down tasks and goals. Make sure not to leave a sticky note up too long without changing it up though, or the ADHD brain will come to ignore it when it gets too used to it.

Transparent Sticky Notes

These are awesome for highlighting in textbooks you cannot write in.

Colored Pens, highlighters, Sharpie felt tip color pens as well as regular #2 pencils and ball point pens

Students with ADHD love to play with colors and color coding notes to match folders and notebooks can help with organization. Highlighting important text and main ideas helps the student engage in active reading, prioritize key points and main ideas, and reduce overwhelm. It’s also a great study aid that allows the student to quickly review important information.

White Boards

White boards are a great way to externalize time, to dos, and assignments. The advantage of white boards is that the teen can see a large visual reminder without needing to open up the computer or go find their planner. Morning and/or evening routines written on small whiteboards can help remind the teen of the steps involved in the routine and can even be used to “gamify” chores by building up points for activities checked off.


Timers, alarms or use smart phone timers and alarms

The ADHD student, or any student with Executive Function issues, will need to externalize time as much as possible. Timers, alarms and notifications are key in helping out with the EF of time management, or as it usually shows up for the ADHDer, time blindness.

Good to Haves:

Time Timer

The Time Timer and other visual timers and clocks help teens who struggle with time management “see” time better. It can be used to help students study by allocating particular chunks of time on a subject or project and can help transitions by visually signaling them when it’s getting near time to switch tasks.


Noise canceling headphones

Noise canceling headphones can filter distractions and help with sensory overload and may improves concentration.

Fidget Toys

There is such a vast array of fidget toys and fidget spinners and places to get them that I can’t recommend one kind or one place. It’s going to depend upon personal taste and, if it’s for the classroom, the fidget toy would need to be quiet and unobtrusive. I personally like squishy fidget toys, but others may prefer something harder like metal or plastic. The good ole Rubik’s Cube is still a great fidget toy.

Sunrise Alarm Clock

Sunrise alarm clocks are designed to mimic the natural rising of the sun by gradually increasing the intensity of light in your room. These clocks aim to provide a more gentle and natural waking experience compared to traditional alarm clocks a man of them also use soothing sounds.

Some Items to Consider:

Smartpens and Digital notebooks can be a useful addition to note-taking and studying, and some smartpens have the ability to record lectures.

P.S. I am not affiliate with any of the products listed above.


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